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Koninklijke Luchtvaartmaatschappij
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Quick Facts
TypePrivate, limited public tradable
Headquarters (Benelux Organization)Amstelveen, Netherlands
Year of Origin1919
Emissions (All Scopes)18,2 Megatons of CO2 (2019)
Net Income449 Million euro (2019)
Key People
  • Pieter Elbers (CEO)
  • Erik Swelheim (CFO)
  • René de Groot (COO)
  • Transavia
  • Martinair
  • KLM itself is a subsidiary of Air France-KLM

Royal Dutch Airlines, stylized as KLM, was founded in 1919 and is active in cargo and passenger transport (KLM, 2021). KLM offers a network of 92 european and 70 intercontinental destinations. Pre-corona (2019), KLM transported 34,1 million passengers and 621000 tonnes of cargo (KLM, 2021). The headquarter of KLM is located in Amstelveen (KLM, 2021, p. 2). In 2020, KLM Group employed 32667 people (KLM, 2021, p. 11). KLM claims to be the largest private employer in the Netherlands (KLM, 2021, p. 31). In 2020, KLM’s revenu was 5,120 billion euro’s, sharply contrasting to 11,075 billion in 2019 (KLM, 2021, p. 24). KLM’s made a loss of 1,546 billion euro’s in 2020, contrasting to a 449 million euro profit in 2019 (KLM, 2021, p. 210). Air France and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines are the biggest European Airline Group since 2004 (KLM, 2021). KLM’s network of intercontinental destinations is important to the Dutch economy and employment. KLM and Schiphol guarantee good accesibility and therefore serve a broader public interest, according to the Dutch minister of Finance (Ministerie van Financien, 2020). The balance sheet value of KLM is 10447 million in 2020. In 2019 this was 11771 million (KLM, 2021, p. 110).

Company Structure

Board of Directors

Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij N.V. (“KLM”) is a non-listed, limited liability company incorporated under Dutch law. Supervision and management of KLM are structured in accordance with the twotier model, meaning a Board of Managing Directors supervised by a Supervisory Board (KLM, 2021, p. 85). The board of managing directors of KLM exists of Pieter Elbers (CEO), Erik Swelheim (CFO) and René de Groot (COO) (KLM, 2021, p. 102). Together they earned 1,7 million euro’s in 2020, in contrast to 2,8 million in 2019. This reduction has to do with voluntary pay-cuts due to the corona-situation, as well as conditions by the Dutch Government to the state loans to KLM during Covid-times (KLM, 2021, p. 102).

The supervisory board of KLM exists of Cees ’t Hart, Francois Enaud, Marry de Gaay Fortman, Jan-Kees de Jager, Christian Nibourel, Fleur Pellerin, Pierre Francois Riolacci, Benjamin Smith and Janine Vos (KLM, 2021, p. 106). The Dutch Government appointed a State Agent to monitor the execution of KLM’s restructuring plan. This Agent can attend all meetings of the supervisory Board and the Audit Committee, but is not part of this supervisory Board (KLM, 2021, p. 87).


The external accountant of KLM is KPMG Accountants N.V. and Deloitte Accountants B.V. (KLM, 2021, p. 99)


KLM is a subsidiary of a holding company it shares with Air France, AIR FRANCE KLM S.A. (KLM, 2021, p. 115) This holding company has a board of directors of 19 members, of which five are Dutch. One of those five is appointed upon nomination of the Dutch government, and two upon nomination by the KLM supervisory board. One member is the chairman of the KLM Supervisory Board. The fifth joined as Director representing employees. The KLM CEO is a permanent supervisor to the Board meetings (KLM, 2021, p. 86).

Since the merger of KLM and Air France in 2004, the seperate KLM shares have dissappeared from the stock market and were replaced by Air France-KLM shares (Luchtvaartnieuws, 2004). AIR FRANCE KLM (the holding company) holds all KLM priority shares, and a proportion of the common shares that together make up 49 percent voting rights in KLM. Also it holds depository receipts issued by Stichting Administratiekantoor KLM and Stichting Administratiekantoor Cumulatief Preferente Aandelen C, which holds different kinds of preference shares. These preference shares do hold voting rights, but no economic rights. The Dutch Government directly holds cumulative preference shares A, of which the depository receipts are held by Stichting Administratiekantoor KLM, corresponding to 5,92 percent of the voting rights in the KLM shareholder meeting (KLM, 2021, p. 86). In 2019, the Dutch Government bought 14 percent of Air France-KLM shares on the stock exchange in order to level the influence of the French State on Air France-KLM (both around 14 percent of shares) (Rijksoverheid, 2019) (Air France-KLM, 2021).

KLM is partner in the so-called SkyTeam Alliance which offers 1063 destinations in 173 countries (KLM, 2021) KLM has eleven daughter companies, one jointly controlled entity and one financial asset (KLM, 2021, p. 60) two daughtercompanies are airlines: Transavia and Martinair. Transavia operates from Amsterdam, Eindhoven and Rotterdam and transported about 9 million passenger in 2018 (KLM, 2021) KLM has merged with Air France in 2004, and works with different layers of operations consisting of Air France KLM-Group, Airlines and Core Activities (KLM, 2021)

Paris Agreement to Today

KLM claims to be a sustainability leader in the airline industry since launching its Fly Responsibly initative in 2019. KLM has reduced its CO2-eq. emissions by 4 percent since 2005 and 31 percent per passenger per kilometer as per 2019. The goals for 2030 are to reduce these levels by 15 and 50 percent respectively (KLM, 2021, p. 31) The 50 percent reduction of CO2 emissions per per passenger per kilometer is not only a target by KLM, but also a condition to state loans during COVID times (KLM, 2021, p. 67)

KLM’s CO2ZERO program enables passengers to compensate their CO2 emissions. In 2020 51,053 ton was offset in this way (KLM, 2021, p. 31). KLM remains committed to being the launch customer of Europe’s first and dedicated SAF (Sustainable Aircraft Fuel) plant, that will be developed within the Netherlands as announced in 2019. KLM commits itself to use 14 percent SAF of the total volume used in the Netherlands by 2030 (KLM, 2021, p. 31). Besides KLM’s commitment, it has also been one of the conditions for state loans during the COVID period (KLM, 2021, p. 67).

Current Policies and Emissions

KLM strives to creative sustainable growth on Amsterdam Airport Schiphol and gain access to every market that complements and increases the quality of its network. KLM strives for profitable growth, to be able to make its own business goals and contribute to the general economical and social development (KLM, 2021).

All KLM emissions goals are mentioned in percentages. Nowhere in the annual report are emissions mentioned in hard numbers. There is only limited data on KLM emissions. KLM only has a duty to report emissions of intra-EEA flights as laid out by the provisions of the EU ETS. Emissions from flights to and from destinations outside Europe are not covered by the EU ETS and so are not reported (CE Delft, 2019). Due to the limited available data it is not possible to calculate the amount of emissions of KLM in Dutch airspace.

In 2018, Air France-KLM had a CO2 emission of 80 grams per passenger per kilometer. The revenu passenger kilometer (RPK) of only the KLM fleet was 107676 million kilometers. The total emission of KLM is therefore 8,6 Mton. This excludes daughter companies as Transavia, Martinair and cargo transport (CE Delft, 2019).

Dutch airlines emitted 13mton of CO2 in 2018, including emission outside of the dutch airspace (CBS, 2020). KLM has the largest share in this. According to the Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) KLM emitted 1,7 mton on intra EEA-flights, which was 64,4% of the total Dutch emission under ETS (European Environment Agency, 2021). The largest share of KLM-flights is intercontinental and therefore does not fall under the ETS registration system. Corresponding the share of KLM in the Dutch emission under ETS to the presumed share of KLM in total airline emissions in the Netherlands corresponds roughly to the 8,6 mton emissions as calculated by CE Delft (CE Delft, 2019). CBS does not provide an overview of all aviation-caused CO2 emission in Dutch airspace (CBS, 2020).

Due to the covid-19 crisis, the CO2 emission of Air France-KLM was 101 grams per passenger per kilometer in 2020. In 2019 this was 79 grams (Air France-KLM, 2021). The revenu passenger kilometer (RPK) was 33873 million kilometers in 2020, 109476 million in 2019 (KLM, 2021, p. 211). The reported emission of KLM is therefore 3,4mton in 2020 and 8,6 mton in 2019, excluding daughter companies and cargo.

In these numbers, the impact of kerosine production is excluded. This is approximately 11 percent of total emissions (CE Delft, 2019, p. 7). Also the global warming potential of non CO2 effects is exclued. These effects in aviation are estimated to be roughly equal to the warming potential of the CO2 emissions according to CE Delft (CE Delft, 2017). Other studies amount the value of this effect to be between a factor one to four (Universiteit Gent, 2019). For calculations purposes the average estimation of factor two is used.


Climate Plans

KLM’s ambition is to have zero emissions from ground operations by 2030. 62 percent of the ground equipment is already electric (KLM, 2021, p. 31) KLM cooperates with the Dutch government and NS to investigate how more short flights can be replaced by high-speed trains. The company has already replaced one of the five daily flights to Brussels with a train journey (KLM, 2021, p. 31)

KLM plans to reach its targets by fleets renewal, improved procedures, engagement, support of research and cooperation with authorities (KLM, 2021, p. 68).

KLM has reduced its CO2-eq. emissions by 4 percent since 2005 and 31 percent per passenger per kilometer as per 2019. The goals for 2030 are to reduce these levels by 15 and 50 percent respectively (KLM, 2021, p. 31) There is no target for 2050 and no explanation on how to reach the 2030 targets is given.

The reduction targets KLM has for 2030 are directly copied from the conditions to the State loans given out by the Dutch Government.


Beschrijving of de plannen in lijn zijn met 'Parijs'

Bedrijfsspecifieke Passage in 'de brief'

U heeft uw duurzaamheidsbeleid vastgelegd in uw jaarverslag over 2020.

Wij constateren dat uw ambitie is om uw uitstoot per 2030 met 15% terug te dringen en per passagier per kilometer met 50% in 2030 en tevens alle grond operaties klimaatneutraal uit te voeren in 2030. Voor 2050 zijn er geen doelen geformuleerd.

Wij constateren dat de rapportage van broeikasgasemissies gebrekkig is. Zo ontbreken bijvoorbeeld de klimaatgerelateerde non-CO2 effecten volledig in uw rapportages. Daarnaast constateren wij dat de doelen voor 2050 slechts betrekking hebben op bedrijfsonderdelen die in zeer beperkte bijdragen aan uw totale uitstoot.

U claimt uw uitstoot sinds 2005 met 4% teruggebracht te hebben en per passagier per kilometer met 31%. Ten opzichte van deze cijfers zijn de doelen voor 2030 bijzonder ambitieus. Onderbouwing van deze getallen ontbreekt echter.

Het is duidelijk dat de gestelde doelen niet binnen een gezond pad van anderhalve graden blijft, niet de volledige operaties omvat, niet transparant zijn en niet genoeg zijn om binnen uw budget te blijven binnen het anderhalve graden scenario. Uit uw plannen blijkt niet goed u uw ambities gaat realiseren. Dat zijn grote tekortkomingen en dat maakt de ambities behalve onvoldoende tevens niet geloofwaardig.

Bij het vasthouden aan de huidige doelstellingen en bedrijfsvoering draagt uw bedrijf bij aan gevaarlijke klimaatverandering en loopt u het materiële risico om mensenrechtenschendingen te veroorzaken.