Unilever PLC

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Unilever PLC
Bedrijf Logo
Quick Facts
sectorConsumer goods
Headquarters (Benelux Organization)Rotterdam, Netherlands
Year of Origin1930
Emissions (All Scopes)61,2 Megatons of CO2 (2020)
Net IncomeUSD$6,375 billion (2020)
Key People
  • Alan Joppe (CEO)
  • Graeme Pitkethly (CFO)
  • Nils Andersen (Chairman)
  • Youngme Moon (Vice-Chairmain/Senior Independent Director)
Unilever has over 400 brands worldwide

Unilever PLC, stylized as Unilever, is a British multinational consumer goods company. Their products sell in over 190 countries and are used by 2.5 billion people every day. They have over 400 brands of which 13 had a turnover of more than €1 billion in 2020. The company consists of three divisions; Beauty & Personal Care with a turnover of €21.1 billion; Foods & Refreshments with a turnover of €19.1 billion; and Home Care with a turnover of €10.5 billion. The company has 149.000 employees.

Company Structure

Board of Directors

Unilever Leadership Executive (ULE) [1]
Name Function Remuneration x1000 EUR [2]
Alan Jope Chief Executive Officer 3447 [3]
Graeme Pitkethly Chief Financial Officer 2961
Conny Braams Chief Digital & Marketing Officer
Reginaldo Ecclissato Chief Supply Chain Officer
Hanneke Faber President, Foods & Refreshment
Sunny Jain President, Beauty & Personal Care
Sanjiv Mehta President, Unilever, South Asia and Chair and Managing Director, Hindustan Unilever
Nitin Paranjpe Chief Operating Officer
Richard Slater Chief Research & Development Officer
Ritva Sotamaa Chief Legal Officer & Group Secretary
Peter ter Kulve President, Home Care
Unilever Board [4]
Name Function Remuneration x1000 EUR [5]
Nils Andersen Chair and Non-Executive Director 778
Andrea Jung Vice_Chair and Senior Independent Director 135
Alan Jope Chief Executive Officer
Graeme Pitkethly Chief Financial Officer
Laura Cha Non-Executive Director 134
Dr Judith Hartmann Non-Executive Director 129
Adrian Hennah Non-Executive Director
Susan Kilsby Non-Executive Director 129
Ruby Lu Non-Executive Director
Strive Masiyiwa Non-Executive Director 138
Professor Youngme Moon Non-Executive Director 168
John Rishton Non-Executive Director 150
Feike Sijbesma Non-Executive Director 138


KPMG is Unilevers accountant since 2014.


Unilever has legally become an entirely British company. They own over 400 brands and are divided into three main divisions: Foods and Refreshments; Home Care; and Beauty & Personal Care. They were formed from a merger between Margarine Unie and Lever Brothers. They are listed on the London Stock Exchange and has a holding company named Unilever PLC and N.V. with an Anglo-Dutch structure. They did not receive the royal status. They also did not receive NOW support during Corona times.[6]

Paris Agreement to Today

beschrijving van wat het bedrijf heet gedaan en misdaan sinds het akkoord van Parijs

Current Policies and Emissions

Beschrijving van de uitstoot van het bedrijf en eventuele beleid

Climate Plans

Beschrijving van de klimaatplannen van het bedrijf


Beschrijving of de plannen in lijn zijn met 'Parijs'

Bedrijfsspecifieke Passage in 'de brief'

U heeft uw duurzaamheidsbeleid vastgelegd in [opsomming stukken].

Wij constateren dat uw ambitie is om uw uitstoot van broeikasgassen van Scope 1 en 2 tegen 2030 met 100 procent verminderd te hebben, u wilt ook tegen 2030 100 procent hernieuwbare energie gebruiken. Het is duidelijk dat u daarmee niet binnen een gezond pad van anderhalve graden blijft, aangezien de afname van uw Scope 1 en 2 uitstoten te gering is en uw Scope 3 uitstoot is toegenomen.

In uw plannen blijkt niet goed hoe u uw ambities gaat realiseren. Dat is een grote tekortkoming en dat maakt de ambitie niet geloofwaardig.

Daarmee draagt uw bedrijf bij aan gevaarlijke klimaatverandering en loopt u het materiële risico om mensenrechtenschendingen te veroorzaken.
